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What to Do If I Lost My Bike Key?

What to Do If I Lost My Bike Key?


A bike is popular for many people who commute daily to work. But even after careful handling losing a bike key, all of a sudden can get one in trouble. The situation can worsen when you're completely oblivious of where you kept your spare key. Now you need some solutions to replace the key as soon as possible. 


Nowadays, almost all motorcycle comes with a pair of keys. The biker uses one key and keeps the other spare key in a secured place. Bike keychains are very popular among bikers and often tend to change them when they need a new one. A bike rider often prefers leather or soft keychains to avoid corrosion with the bike's tank.


Motorcycle keys are so small that losing them is not an uncommon factor. The chains used along with the keys don't possess many add-ons. So, losing becomes a lot easier. You use various motorcycle accessories to keep your bike safe, but it isn't easy to always secure the keys. So, it would help if you found some hacks or ideas to get a duplicate key to keep your bike rolling.


Motorcycle keys are an expensive decoration if anyone is ever to lose them. So, read to know the basic options to get a replacement key:


  • Contact, Your Dealer With The Key Code

The first option is to find out the key code that comes with the bike key lockset from the factory. When you buy a motorcycle from the dealership, a code comes in the form of a metal tab attached to the keychain. You may find the code imprinted on the key depending on the type of motorcycle manufacturer.


When you get the keycode, give the number to your local dealership. The dealers will order a new key for your bike after that. This method is most hassle-free as you don't have to worry about changing the lock system or making some changes to your motorcycle. Getting a duplicate bike key provides security to avoid the fear of theft, but it can take time.

  • Go To A Locksmith 

You know that one way of getting your bike's key code is the one you get with any new motorcycle key, while another is from the cylinder code. It is the cheapest way of getting your bike's duplicate key. The ignition switch cylinder comes with a 3-4 digit code. It's generally engraved on the cylinder's left side where you enter your bike key.  

To see the number properly, you may need to loosen or turn it. It's given for invisibility. You can also use your phone's camera to find the number. Once you capture the cylinder code on your mobile, contact your local trustable locksmith, who can cut out bike keys. Your locksmith can demand a blank key you need to get from your dealership or order off from the internet. After that, the locksmith will duplicate the bike key with the code you give him. 

  • Look for a Mobile Locksmith

You may not find your key code or cylinder code in most unfortunate cases. The cylinder code may lose visibility with age and rust. Then you probably need to find a mobile locksmith who can come with you to make a replacement key. But you must tell him all the bike details like the year of manufacture and the model.  

And let the locksmith know that you don't have the key code or the cylinder code. Ask if they can still help to make a new bike key. Some might tell you if they can make it; otherwise, you must find another option. 

  • Take Your Ignition Cylinder To A Locksmith

Motorcycles generally have a common setup of ignition switch cylinders attached to them. You will get two bolts that hold the cylinder in place. You can squeeze and unclip the wiring to remove it easily. (Tip: Before you take it out, make sure to take a picture to remember everything that is in place. Also, keep the delicate hardware in a zip pouch to avoid getting lost.)

 After getting the cylinder, the locksmith may insert a blank key and work out to make a duplicate bike key. This method is more expensive as it requires the skill of the locksmith. 

  • Ordering An Entire Lockset

It is the least choice option but if you don't have any option, go for it. As said before, you need to remove the cylinder and can call your local dealership about the problem. You can also look up on the internet to buy a universal lockset.

 Be very careful to read all the information about the bike key lockset. 'Universal locksets' means it may fit every key or not fit anything simultaneously. You may have to spend time, energy, and money on this option. But at least you can get a new key finally.  

  • Leave The Issue To The Dealer

When all options are not valid in your case, or you don't want to deal with it alone, then trust the dealers. Before you call the dealers for the bike key, ensure you have your VIN (Vehicle Identification Number). The dealership may ask you for the VIN to identify you as a valid customer. It decreases the chances of theft. The dealers will deal with the process of giving you a new motorcycle key.

Finally, some suggestions might help keep your motorcycle key safe and secured. Always keep the spare key in a locker and make a third one to be with your faithful friend or family relative. Carefulness with your bike key is a must. Trust CarOrbis for all types of bike accessories needs to keep it with all means of safety.